Earliest image of the London bridge.

It's out! Charles d'Orleans' English Aesthetic, from Boydell & Brewer.

Sale of Medieval Books!

I'm looking to find new homes for many of my books: old books, new books, duplicates, gifts, some bought new, some bought used, some I've used and no longer need, some in subjects I once thought I'd pursue but haven't. This enterprise is not in the first place a way to make money, but a way to make space in my study to work efficiently. You can help by purchasing books, but even more by spreading the word personally and on social media that there is going to be a substantial, ongoing sale of books, mostly on medieval subjects, at attractive prices on this website. If you are a student, please let me know. My goal is to place as many books in the hands of students as possible at prices they can afford. If you are a student, I will happily slash prices for you.

There are more books. Many more. I hope to sell them all if my fellow academics will buy them. Details on the following pages.


Bargain Books (2/$10)

Partial list of subjects (not all posted yet):

Charles, duc d'Orléans, Bilingual Poet and Valois Prince 


My Middle Ages (or, why I chose to spend so much time in an earlier world)

Professional history

 Scenes from another life

Essay writing guidelines
Literary course notes and teaching materials

. . . and a few links

Please send comments or suggestions.

How to reach me

Copyright 1997,1999, 2001, 2005, 2011, 2013, 2019  M. Arn.  All rights reserved.

Rev 4/19