Medieval Bargain Bin (2fers) (NB: Books may be purchased only in even numbers)

The idea is to make the process easy for me and easy for you. Books are listed by title, author, (sometimes series), publisher, and year. These are decidedly incomplete and non-professional descriptions. If you would like more detailed publication or descriptive information, please email me ( Books not marked “Paper” have hard covers.

The Fine Print: books may include light marking in pen or pencil and/or a glued in or embossed bookplates (if you would like more detail about a particular book, just ask). Books marked ex lib may have stamps or stickers in or on them. “Like new” means “as if unread.” The book may show evidence of having been taken off a shelf and returned to it repeatedly or of having been sent through the mail. The spine of a dust cover may be sun faded; other defects are described. Illustrations are indicated only when there is a significant number (all art books are illustrated). If you have questions about a book, just ask.

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Mary-Jo Arn

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Aldus and His Dreambook, Helen Barolini. Italica Press, 1992. Paper. Like new.

Handschriften voor 1300. Gids bij de Jubileumtentoonstelling ter gelegenheid van de 125-ojarige openstelling van het Museum gehouden 7 Oktober 1977-7 Januari 1978. Rijksmuseum Meermanno-Westreenianum/Museum van het Boek, 1977.Paper. 22 pages, unill.

Medieval Music: The Sixth Liberal Art, Andrew Hughes. Rev. Ed. Univ. of Toronto Press, 1980. This is a bibliography. Dust Cover. Clean.

The “Danse macabre” of Women: Ms. fr. 995 of the Bibliothèque Nationale, ed. Ann Tukey Harrison. Kent State Univ. Press, 1994. Dust wrapper rubbed. Clean.

The Memoirs of Glückel of Hameln, trans. Marvin Lowenthal. 1932, Schocken Books, 1960. Paper. Clean.

Magdalena & Balthasar: An Intimate Portrait of Life in 16th-Century Europe Revealed in the Letters of a Nuremberg Husband & Wife, ed. Steven Ozment. Simon & Schuster, 1986. Dust Wrapper. Clean.

The Art of the Portrait: Masterpieces of European Portrait-Painting Norbert Schneider. Taschen, 1994. Oversize paper. Clean.

Inscribing the Hundred Years' War in French and English Cultures, ed. Denise N. Baker. SUNY Press, 2000. Paper. Like new.

St George's Chapel, Windsor, in the Late Middle Ages ed. Colin Richmond and Eileen Scarff. Windsor, 2001. Paper. Like new.

The Benedictines in Britain. British Library Series 3. British Library, 1980. Paper. Clean.

Medieval Latin Liturgy: A Select Bibliography, Richard W. Pfaff. Toronto Medieval Bibliographies 9. Univ. of Toronto Press, 1982. Paper. Few stray marginal marks.

Meister Eckharttrans. Raymond B. Blakney. Harper Torchbooks, 1941. Paper.

Spiritual Friendship, Aelred of Rievaulx; trans. Mary Eugenia Laker. Cistercian Fathers Series 5.Cistercian Publications, 1977.Paper.

Saint Augustine's Memory, Garry Wills. Viking, 2002. Dust wrapper. Like new.

Records of Christianity 2: Christendom, David Ayerst and A. S. T. Fisher. Basil Blackwell, 1977. Dust wrapper. Clean.

Larousse Encyclopedia of Byzantine and Medieval Art, René Huyghe. Art and Mankind. Prometheus Press, 1968. Many b/w. Oversize. Chipped dust wrapper. Clean.

All Color Book of Biblical Myths and Mysteries, Gilbert Thurlow. Octopus, 1974. Dust wrapper. Many color. Clean.

Anno's Medieval World, Mitsumasa Anno. Adapted from the translation by Ursula Synge. Philomel Books, 1979 [Children's book] Dust wrapper. Clean.

Nederland onderste boven: De archaeologische rijkdom van het bodemarchief, E. J. van Ginkel. Rijksdienst voor het Oudheidkundig Bodemonderzoek, 1988. Oversize paper. Many b/w.

From the Lands of the Scythians. Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin, Special Issue, 1973/4. Paper. Clean.

Treasures of Ireland: Irish Art 1500 B.C.–1500 A.D. Royal Irish Academy, 1983. Clean.

The Flowering of Ireland: Saints, Scholars & Kings, Katharine Scherman. Little-Brown, 1981. Dust wrapper, good.

English Romanesque Art 1066-1200. Hayward Gallery, London 5 April-8 July 1984. B/w and color. 1984. Paper. Clean.

Early Celtic Masterpieces from Britain in the British Museum, John Brailsford. British Museum, 1975. Many b/w. Paper. Clean.

Beowulf and the Fight at Finnsburh: A Bibliography. Donald K. Fry. Bibliographical Society. Univ. Press of Virginia, 1969.

Sources of Anglo-Saxon Literary Culture: A Trial Version, ed. Frederick M. Biggs, Thomas D. Hill, Paul E. Szarmach, with Karen Hammond. MRTS 74. CEMERS, 1990. Paper. Clean.

Studies in the History of Old English Literature, Kenneth Sisam. Clarendon Press, 1967. Dust wrapper. Clean.

'Books Known to the English, 597-1066: Addenda et Corrigenda', J. D. A. Ogilvy. Old English Newsletter, Subsidia 11. CEMERS, 1985. Paper (stapled)

Beowulf and the Fight at Finnsburg, Fr. Klaeber. 3rd. ed. Heath, 1950. Glossed by myself.

The Fighting Kings of Wessex: A Gallery of Portraits, G. P. Baker. Studies in English Kingship 1. G. Bell, 1931. Maps (1 foldout). Dust wrapper.

The Importance of Chaucer, John H. Fisher. Southern Illinois Univ. Press, 1992. Dust wrapper. Clean.

Chaucer's World: A Pictorial Companion, Maurice Hussey. Cambridge Univ. Press, 1967. Paper. Many b/w. Clean.

John Gower Materials: A Bibliography through 1979. Garland, 1981. Clean. Geoffrey Chaucer, ed. Derek Brewer. Writers and their Background. G. Bell, 1974. Dust wrapper. Clean.

A Mirror of Chaucer’s World, Roger Sherman Loomis. Princeton Univ. Press, 1965. Paper. Many b/w. Clean.

Chaucer's England: Literature in Historical Context, ed. Barbara Hanawalt. Medieval Studies at Minnesota. Univ. of Minnesota Press, 1992. Paper. Clean.

The Cambridge Chaucer Companion, ed. Piero Boitani and Jill Mann. Cambridge Univ. Press, 1986. Bumped. Clean.

Medieval English Lyrics 1200-1400, ed. Thomas G. Duncan. Penguin, 1995. Paper. Clean.

'Hoe snel dichtten middeleeuwse dichters?: Over de dynamiek van het literaire leven in de Middeleeuwen', F. P. van Oostrom. In Literatuur: Tijdschrift over Nederlandse Letterkunde 84/6, [1984], pp. 327-335. B/w. Paper.

Netherlandic Secular Plays of the Middle Ages: The 'Abele Spelen' and Farces of the Hulthem Manuscript, trans. Theresia de Vroom. Carleton Renaissance Plays in Translation 29. Dovehouse, 1997. Paper. Medieval Dutch Drama: Four Secular Plays and Four Farces from the Van Hulthem Manuscript, trans. Johanna C. Prins. Early European Drama in Translation. Pegasus Press, 1999. Paper.

Literature of the Low Countries: A Short History of Dutch Literature in The Netherlands and Belgium, Reinder P. Meijer. Martinus Nijhoff, 1978. 400 pp. Paper. Clean.

Tekst en uitleg. Rijksmuseum het catharijneconvent. Second printing. 1982. Paper. Many b/w.

Res medii aevi: Kleines Lexikon der Mittelalterkunde, Renate Neumuellers-Klauser. Harrassowitz, 1999. Like new.

An Age of Ambition: English Society in the Late Middle Ages, F. R. H. Du Boulay. Viking Press, 1970. B/w and color. Dust wrapper.

The Wars of the Roses through the Lives of Five Men and Women of the Fifteenth Century, Desmond Seward. Viking, 1995. Dust wrapper. Clean.

The Atlas of Medieval Man, Colin Platt. The Progress of Human Civilization from A.D. 1000 to 1500 with over 1,000 maps and illustrations. St. Martin’s Press, 1979. B/w and color. Oversized paper. Clean.

The Chronicles of the Wars of the Roses, gen. ed. Elizabeth Hallam. The turbulent years of the last Plantagenets, seven kings from Richard II in 1377 to Richard III in 1485. CLB International, 1988. Many b/w and color. Maps. Some documents in translation. Dust wrapper. Clean.

Chronicles of the Age of Chivalry, gen. ed. Elizabeth Hallam. The Plantagenet Dynasty from the Magna Carta to the Black Death. Crescent Books, 1995. Many b/w and color. Maps. Some documents in translation. Dust wrapper. Clean.

The Plantagenet Encyclopedia, ed. Elizabeth Hallam. Grove Weidenfeld, 1990. Many b/w and color. Clean.

King Henry V: A Biography, Harold F. Hutchison. Dorset Press, 1967. Dust wrapper. Clean.

Henry IV, Bryan Bevan. St. Martin’s Press, 1994. Paper. Clean.

1415: Henry V’s Year of Glory, Ian Mortimer. Bodley Head, 2009. Color. Dust wrapper. Like new.

Crown and Nobility: England 1272-1461, Anthony Tuck. Blackwell Classic Histories of England. Blackwell, 1999. Paper. Clean.

The Wallace Collection: Guide to the Armouries. Wallace Collection, 1982. Paper. 52pp. Many b/w. TOGETHER WITH European Arms and Armour, David Edge. Wallace Collection, 1992. Paper. Color.

The Book of Trades (Staendebuch), Jost Amman and Hans Sachs. Intro by Benjamin a Rifkin. Dover, 1973. Paper. Clean.

Medieval Readers and Writers 1350-1450 Janet Coleman. Columbia Univ. Press, 1981.

Allegories of the Virtues and Vices in Medieval Art, Adolf Katzenellenbogen. Medieval Academy Reprints for Teaching 24. Univ. of Toronto Press, 1989. Paper. Clean.

The Sculptural Programs of Chartres Cathedral: Christ, Mary, Ecclesia, Adolf Katzenellenbogen. Norton, 1959. Paper. Clean.

Gothic, George Henderson. Style and Civilization. Penguin, 1978. Paper. Clean.

Worcestershire, J. S. Leatherbarrow. Batsford, 1974. Dust wrapper. Clean.

The Hidden World of Misericords, Dorothy and Henry Kraus. Braziller, 1975. Many b/w. Dust wrapper.

An Introduction to the Use of the Public Records, V. H. Galbraith. Clarendon Press, 1934. TOGETHER WITH The Records of Medieval England: An Inaugural Lecture, C. R. Cheney. Cambridge Univ. Press, 1956.

Teachers' Guide to Finding Western Medieval Manuscripts in North American Collections, Jeanne E. Krochalis and Jean F. Preston. Medieval Inst. Publications. 1988. Paper. Medieval Studies: An Introduction, ed. James M. Powell. Syracuse Univ. Press, 1976. Paper.

Preserving Libraries for Medieval Studies, ed. Sophia K. Jordan. Working Papers from the Colloquium at the Univ. of Notre Dame, March 25-26, 1990. 1991. Paper.

Piers the Plowman: A Critical Edition of the A-Version, ed. Thomas A Knott and David C. Fowler. Johns Hopkins, 1952. Paper. Clean.

The World of Piers Plowman, ed. Jeanne Krochalis and Edward Peters. Univ. of Pennsylvania Press, 1975. Paper. Clean.

Traditional Imagery of Charity in ‘Piers Plowman’, Ben H. Smith. Mouton, 1966. Dust wrapper. Clean.

Allegories of History, Allegories of Love, Stephen A. Barney. Archon Books, 1979. Clean.

The Alliterative Tradition in the Fourteenth Century, ed. Bernard S. Levy and Paul E. Szarmach. Kent State Press, 1981. Dust wrapper. Clean.

Reinterpreting Christine de Pizan, ed. Earl Jeffrey Richards. Univ. of Georgia Press, 1992. Dust wrapper. Light pencil marking.

Poemes d'amour des XIIe et XIIIe siecles, ed. Emmanuele Baumgartner and Francoise Ferrand. Bibliotheque medievale. Union Generale d'editions, 1983. Paper, but browning. Musical examples.

Life in Medieval France, Joan Evans. 3rd ed. Phaidon, 1969.

A Knight of Great Renown: The Life and Times of Othon de Grandson [d. 1328], Esther Rowland Clifford. Univ. of Chicago Press, 1961. ex lib. stamps and stickers. Illust. endpapers. Clean text.

A Brief Guide to French Versification, Dept. of French, Univ. of Hull. N.D. 33 pp. Paper (stapled).

Manuscript Painting at the Court of France: The Fourteenth Century (1310-1380, Francois Avril. Chatto & Windus, 1978. Paper. Clean.

The Golden Age: Manuscript Painting at the Time of Jean, Duc de Berry, Marcel Thomas. Chatto & Windus, 1979. Paper. Clean.

Werdendes Abendland, Paolo Verzone. Kunst der Welt. Die Kulturen des Abendlandes. Holle Verlag, 1987. Color plates tipped in. Clean.

Hochgotik, Marcel Aubert. Kunst der Welt. Die Kulturen des Abendlandes. Holle, 1963. Color plates tipped in. Clean.

Seeing Medieval Art, Herbert L. Kessler. Rethinking the Middle Ages 1. Broadview Press, 2004. B/w and color. Like new. Paper.

The Waning Middle Ages, J. L. Schrader. Univ. of Kansas Museum of Art, 1969. An exhibition of French and netherlandish art from 1350 to 1500 commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of the publication of The Waning of the Middle Ages by Johan Huizinga. Paper. Many b/w.

The Brummer Collection of Medieval Art: The Duke University Museum of Art, Caroline Bruzelius. Duke Univ. Press, 1991. Dust wrapper.

Vatican Treasures: Early christian, Renaissance, and Baroque Art from the Papal Collections, ed. Robert P. Bergmann and Diane De Grazia. An Exhibition in Honor of the Sesquicentenary of the Diocese of Cleveland, Cleveland Museum of Art, 1998. Paper. B/w and color. Clean.

The Illuminated Page: Ten Centuries of Manuscript Painting in the British Library, Janet Backhouse. Univ. of Toronto Press, 1997. Dust wrapper.

Synthese. Twaalf facetten van cultuur en natuur in Zuid-Limburg/Twelve facets of culture and nature in South Limburg. DSM, 1977. Large slip-cased volume. Many b/w and color. $10

Medieval Stained Glass, Heribert Hutter; trans. Movements in World Art. Margaret Shenfield. Crown, 1963. Small vol. Worn dust wrapper. Clean.

15th Century, Anon. 1992 Seville Universal Exposition Theme Pavilion. Oversize paper. Many color. Clean.

Masterpieces of Tapestry: From the Fourteenth to the Sixteenth Century, Genevieve Souchal. Exhibition catalogue. Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1973. Paper. Clean.

Watchers of the Stars, Patrick Moore. G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1973. Many b/w and color. Dust cover. Clean.

Monks and Wine, Desmond Seward, with a Foreword by Hugh Johnson. Mitchell Beazley, 1979. Dust wrapper. Clean. Revelations: The Medieval World, James Harpur; Elizabeth Hallam, Consultant. Henry Holt, 1995. Dust wrapper. Many color. Clean.

Tower of London: A History of England from the Norman Conquest, Christopher Hibbert. Newsweek, 1980. Many b/w and color. Dust wrapper. Clean.

A History of London, Stephen Inwood. Papermac, 2000. 1111 pages. Paper. Clean.

King Death: The Black Death and Its Aftermath in Late-Medieval England, Colin Platt. Univ. of Toronto Press, 1996. Paper. Clean.

Charles VII, M. G. A. Vale. Eyre Methuen, 1974.

Age of Chivalry: Art and Society in Late Medieval England, ed. Nigel Saul. Brockhampton, 1992. Dust wrapper. Clean.

Editing the Middle English Manuscript, Charles Moorman. Univ. Press of Mississippi, 1975. Dust wrapper.

Scholarly Editing in the Computer Age: Theory and Practice, Peter L. Shillingsburg. Univ. of Georgia Press, 1986. Paper.

A Guide to Documentary Editing, Mary-Jo Kline. Johns Hopkins, 1988.

Herziene Woordenlijst van de Nederlandse taal. Het nieuwe 'Groene boekje'. Den Haag, 1990. Dust wrapper.

Etymologisch woordenboek: Waar komen onze woorden vandaan?, J. de Vries. Aula-boeken 6. Spektrum, 1973.

Middelnederlandsche Epische en Lyrische Poezie. ed. G. Engels. W. J. Thieme, 1929.

Spectrum van de nederlandse letterkunde:

2 for $10 OR all for $20

Madoc: Tijdschrift voor medievistiek, 6:1 (1992); 8:1, 2, 3, 4 (1994); 9:2, 4 (1995)

Printing and the Mind of Man: Catalogue of the Exhibitions at the British Museum and at Earls Court, London 16-27 July 1963. Organized in connexion with the Eleventh International Printing Machinery and Allied Trades Exhibition. F.W. Biidges and the Assoc. of British Manufacturers of Printers' Machinery, 1963. Paper. B/w historical printing. Clean.

Manuscripts and Men. An Exhibition of Manuscripts, Portraits and Pictures held at the National Portrait Gallery, London . . . 1969 to mark the Centenary of the Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts, 1869-1969. HMSO, 1969. Paper. Clean.

Alphabets Old and New, Lewis F. Day. Senate, 1995. First pub. 1910. Paper. Clean.

Special Collections in College and University Libraries, intro by Leona Rostenberg and Madeleine B. Stern. Macmillan, 1989. Oversize. Dust wrapper. Clean.

The Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library: A Guide to Its Collections, Yale Univ. Press, 1974. Clean.

The Pierpont Morgan Library: A Review of Acquisitions 1949-1968, foreward by Henry S. Morgan; preface by Arthur A. Houghton, Jr. Pierpont Morgan, 1969. Some b/w. Clean.

A Short History of English Literature, George Saintsbury. Macmillan, 1922. Clean.

An Introduction to Research in English Literary History, Chauncey Sanders. Macmillan, 1952. ex lib. Clean.

Ywain: The Knight of the Lion, Chrétien de Troyes, trans. Robert W. Ackerman, Frederick W. Locke, Carleton W. Carroll. Waveland, 1977. Some pencil marks. Paper.

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight: A New Critical Edition, ed. Theodore Silverstein. Univ. of Chicago Press, 1984. Paper. Clean.

A Literary History of France: The Middle Ages, John Fox. Barnes & Noble, 1974. Dust wrapper. Clean.

The Yale Companion to Chaucer, ed. Seth Lerer. Yale Univ. Press, 1996. Dust wrapper. Like new.

Classical Imitation and Interpretation in Chaucer's Troilus, John V. Fleming. Univ. of Nebraska Press, 1990. ex lib. with many stamps, stickers. Text is clean.

The Owl and the Nightingale: The Poem and its Critics, Kathryn Hume. Univ. of Toronto Press, 1975. Clean.

Chaucer and his English Contemporaries, W. A. Davenport. St. Martin’s Press, 1998. Paper. Clean.

The Song of Troilus: Lyric Authority in the Medieval Book, Thomas C. Stillinger. Univ. of Penn Press, 1992. Dust wrapper. Clean.

The Life of Geoffrey Chaucer, Derek Pearsall. Blackwell, 1994. Paper. ex lib. Clean.

The Canterbury Tales, Derek Pearsall. Unwin Critical Library. Allen & Unwin, 1985. Dust wrapper. Clean.

Chaucer & Chaucerians, ed. D. S. Brewer. Critical Studies in Middle English Literature. Univ. of Alabama Press, 1966. Paper. Clean.

Fruyt and Chaf: Studies in Chaucer’s Allegories, Bernard F. Huppé and D. W. Robertson, Jr. Kennikat Press, 1972. Clean.

A Reading of the Canterbury Tales, Bernard F. Huppé. SUNY Press, 1964. Paper. Clean.

The General Prologue to the Canterbury Tales, ed. Phyllis Hodgson. Athlone Press, 1969. Clean.

The English Renaissance: Fact or Fiction? E. M. W. Tillyard. Hogarth Press, 1960. Dustwrapper. Clean.

The Meaning of Courtly Love, ed. F. X. Newman. Papers from the first CEMERS conference incl. Robertson, Benton, Singleton, Jackson, Silverstein. SUNY Albany Press. 1972. Paper.Clean.

Dante and His Comedy, Allan Gilbert. Peter Owen, 1964. Dust wrapper.

Medieval English: An Old English and Middle English Anthology, Rolf Kaiser. Berlin W., 1958.

Basic Typography: A Design Manual, James Craig. For Designers, Non-Designers, and Desktop Publishers. Watson-Guptill, 1990. Oversize paper.

Type and Typography, Ben Rosen. Type &!.,-:;?" The Designer's Type Book. Litton Educational, 1976. Oversize paper.

United States Government Printing Office Style Manual, 1984.

A Short History of the Printed Word, Warren Chappell. A New York Times Book. Knopf, 1970. Many b/w. Dust cover.

Typologia: Studies in Type Design & Type Making, Frederic W. Goudy. With comments on the invention of typography, the first types, legibility and fine printing. Univ. of California Press, 1977. Paper.

Stop Stealing Sheep and Find Out How Type Works, Erik Spiekermann and E. M. Ginger. 2nd ed. Adobe Press, 2003. Paper. B/w and color. Like new.

Book Types from Clowes 2nd ed. 1950. Front hinge slightly loose.

Bookmaking: The Illustrated Guide to Design/Production/Editing, Marshall Lee. A Balance House Book. 2nd ed. Bowker, 1970.

Monarchs & the Muse: Poems by the Kings and Queens of England, ed. Sally Purcell, illust. Priscilla Eckhard, intro. by C. V. Wedgwood. Fyfield, 1972. Crinkled dust wrapper. Embossed library stamp. Otherwise clean.

The Stavelot Triptych: Mosan Art and the Legend of the True Cross. Pierpont Morgan, 1980. Paper. Clean.

Poetry, Place, and Gender: Studies in Medieval Culture in Honor of Helen Damico, ed. Catherine E. Karkov. MIP, 2009. Dust wrapper. Like new.

Canterbury Cathedral and Its Romanesque Sculpture, Deborah Kahn. Univ. of Texas Press, 1991. Dust wrapper. B/w and color. Clean.

Romanesque, ed. Sandy Lesberg. Rencontre Lausanne, 1965; Peebles Art Library, 1974. Unpaged. Many color. Clean.

Rereading Allegory: Essays in Memory of Daniel Poirion, ed. Sarah Amer and Noah D. Guynn. Special edition of Yale French Studies 95, 1999. Paper. Like new.

The Return of Martin Guerre, Natalie Zemon Davis. Harvard Univ. Press, 1983. Torn dust wrapper.

Historical French Reader: Medieval Period, ed. Paul Studer and E. G. R. Waters. Oxford Univ. Press, 1974. Dust wrapper. Clean.

La Poésie du Moyen Âge, Robert Sabatier. Histoire de la poésie française. Albin Michel, 1975. Paper. Clean.

Medieval Culture and Society, ed. David Herlihy. Waveland Press, 1968. Clean.

History in Practice, Ludmilla Jordanova. Arnold, 2000. Paper. Like new.

Making Sense of Grammatical Terms, J. M. Y. Simpson. Loche Pub. Ltd., 1985. Paper. Clean.

A History of Reading, Alberto Manguel. Viking, 1996. Dust wrapper. B/w. Clean.

Die schönsten Kostbarkeiten, Bernhard Drewitz. Schuler Verlagsgesellschaft, [early 1970s]. Many color.

The Order of Books: Readers, Authors, and Libraries in Europe between the Fourteenth and Eighteenth Centuries, Roger Chartier; trans. Lydia G. Cochrane. Stanford , 1994. Paper. Like new

Textual and Literary Criticism, Fredson Bowers. The Sandars Lectures in Bibliography 1957-58. Cambridge Univ. Press, 1966. Paper.

Textual Scholarship: An Introduction, D. C. Greetham. Garland Reference Library 1417. Garland, 1994. Paper.

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