European Literature I, sample test
I. Identifications (25 points/10 minutes) ANSWER EIGHT
I want
precise answers. Answer as briefly as possible (but do not leave
out vital information). Your answers need not be complete
sentences. You need not write down name of the item you are
identifying, but number your answers.
Who/What is:
On the other hand, I want concise answers, with no irrelevant information (waffle is worth zero/zilch/nil). Do not write an introduction or conclusion; just answer the question. Write the best English prose you can.
Read all the questions carefully before you choose.
A. How does the moral world of Euripides seem to differ from that of
Homer or Sophocles (not both)?
(You might discuss the role of the gods, Greek society,
relationships among people, the ending of the play. You cannot discuss
all of these, so set some limits to your answer.)
B. Compare the character and function (role) of either Penelope or Medea to that of two other major or minor female figures (but not the other of these two) found in any of the works you have read (do not forget the biblical passages you read). Focus on no more than three women in your answer. How are they alike or different in significant ways?
C. Compare the way Apollo operates in Oedipus the King with the way Athena operates in The Odyssey or the way God operates in the Old Testament (not both). (You might ask yourself, are the differences simply between helpful and destructive, or are there other significant differences?)
Now, take a deep breath. Go back and re-read both the questions and your answers, correcting grammar, punctuation, and matters of fact. Be sure that every answer is preceded by a number or letter. Add any information that you may have omitted. I expect clear, correct English prose. I do not mind if you cross out material or insert material using asterisks, arrows, etc., but it must be clear to me what I am supposed to read and in what order. Do not recopy your answers.